Thank you Signing the Travel Insurance Waiver

You have read through the Travel Insurance Waiver Terms and Conditiions, and  you have signed that you understand and agree to the terms set forth by Life is Better Traveling, LLC.  If you have any questions please contact your travel agent. 

Please Print this Page for Your Records

Herein this document the names of the tour, client, and agent are mentioned but will be listed as “tour”, “client”, and “agent” throughout the rest of document.

Tour: Tour agreed upon by yourself
Client:  Primary Guest and all other family or friends on this particular reservation
Agent:  Agent on the booking

Life is Better Traveling, LLCs highly recommends the purchase of comprehensive travel insurance, which covers health, lost luggage, trip cancellation, etc.

Your agent has discussed with you your options for purchasing travel insurance and the supplier used to purchase travel insurance.  Costs associated with travel insurance for Client’s upcoming trip have also been disclosed.  Even with this recommendation, Travel Insurance is not included in your trip price per the client’s request.

The Client has declined travel insurance. This signed waiver declining travel insurance must be signed and returned before ANY travel will be booked by Life is Better Traveling, LLCs on behalf of the Client.  It is the Client’s responsibility to get this contract signed in a timely manner as to not loose space for their upcoming tour or vacation.

If Client decides after signing this Decline Confirmation that Client would like to have Travel Insurance, the Agent listed on this form must be notified immediately.  The supplier for Travel Insurance, used by Life is Better Traveling, LLCs, requires Travel Insurance to be purchased within 21 days of the date of initial deposit to cover any pre-existing medical conditions and Bankruptcy or Default, as defined, by the airline, cruise line, or travel supplier occurring more than 14 days after Client’s benefit effective date.
Travel insurance purchased after the initial 21 days of initial deposit up until final payment, will not have this additional coverage.

Life is Better Traveling, LLCs requires advanced notice to ensure we have time to properly process the travel insurance through our supplier within their required purchasing time frame.


Client, does not wish to purchase travel insurance. Client understand that they will be responsible for any fees, monies lost, and/or cost associated with the tour due to ANY cancellations, missed trips, medical necessities, lost baggage and/or ANY reason for a trip delays for this trip.  By electronically signing below you understand the monies that can be lost and will not hold Life is Better Traveling liable for these monies.

Client understands that by electronically signing this form, they will not hold Life is Better Traveling, LLCs  financial responsible or liable for any, but not limited to, any of the aforementioned reasons for trip cancellation, interruption, and/or other reasons why the client would not be able to take their trip/vacation.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this form, please contact your agent or Mary Yohannan, Owner at 919-606-4604 or